My name is Tatiana Kabachnikova and I am the host of Pri Fencu Apartments. Our company Triglav Inzeniring strarted with rental of apartments in 2018 and from that time we try to make every guest’s stay unforgettable. That’s why our property is rated for the best value in Jesenice.
Would you like more information about our apartment?
Please do not hesitate to contact via e-mail [email protected] or fill the form below.
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42 Planina pod Golico
4270 Jesenice
tel. +386 069 967 090
The village of Planina pod Golica is situated in the utmost north-western part of Slovenia. It is very well connected to many major towns and neighbouring regions. The administrative centre of the region is the city of Kranj, with its regional bus and train services. Other major towns within the 35-km distance from Planina pod Golico include Jesenice (10,8 km), Bled (24 km), Radovljica (24,1 km) and Kranjska Gora (32 km).
Take the A2/E61 motorway from Ljubljana to Jesenice and follow the signs for Kranj, Lesce, Radovljica on the A2 highway. Leave the highway at the exit 2 (to Jesenice). Drive in the direction Javornik-Gorje, Hrusica-Javornik, Planina Pod Golico.
Take the S Autobahn/E55. Head southeast along Ludwig-Walter-Strabe/B84 towards Jakob-Ghon-Allee. Drive in the right lane and the exit A2 towards Ljubljana. Take E61 towards Hrušica (Hrušica, Slovenija). From A2/E61 take the Jesenice-zahod exit. Take the S Autobahn/E55, at the Knoten Villach junction keep right, follow signs for E61/A11 towards Slovenia, continue onto A11/E61, take the Jesenice-zahod exit towards Jesenice. Continue along Hrušica/Hrušica-Javornik to Planina pod Golico.
Take the E55 motorway towards Slovenia. Continue onto S Autobahn/E55, keep left to continue onto A23/E55, at the Knoten Villach junction keep right, follow signs for E61/A11 towards Slovenia, take the Jesenice-zahod exit. Continue along Hrušica-Javornik to Planina pod Golico.
The distance from the airport to Planina pod Golico is approx. 210 km via Klagenfurt and 250 km via Judenburg.
The distance from the airport to Planina pod Golico is approx. 290 km.
The distance from the airport to Planina pod Golico is approx. 70 km.
The nearest train station is located in Jesenice. From there, you can
take a local bus towards Planina pod Golica.
Information and timetables:
Slovenian and international train timetables: